KeysKeys  - Locking and unlocking - Mitsubishi Carisma Owner's Manual - Mitsubishi Carisma

Two keys are provided and they fit all locks. Keep one in a safe place as a spare

Two keys are provided and they fit all locks. Keep one in a safe place as a spare key. To help prevent theft, your keys feature a unique, hard-to-duplicate design. Also, your vehicle’s locks are designed to prevent opening by any means other than using your own key.

Take care not to lose your keys or lock them inside your vehicle.

To prevent your key number becoming known to others, it is stamped on removable key number tag rather than on the key itself. Keep your key number tag in a safe place, separate from your keys.


(1) Replacement keys for your vehicle can be made only by an authorized MITSUBISHI dealer. Give the dealer your key number in the event that the original keys are lost.
(2) The engine is designed so that it will not turn over if the ID code registered in the immobilizer computer and the key’s ID code do not match. Refer to the section entitled “Electronic immobilizer” for details and key usage.
(3) Keys should never be placed in areas which contain magnetic or metal objects as this may interfere with the transponder.

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