Average speed
For vehicles with MITSUBISHI genuine audio, average speed can be displayed. This value shows the average speed (in km/h or mph) since the display was reset. If you reset the display at the time when you want to start the measurements, average speed from that point of time can be displayed.
To reset the display, push the “DISP” button for about 2 seconds or more.
See also:
Momentary fuel consumption display
While driving, this displays the momentary fuel consumption, using a bar graph.
When the momentary fuel consumption surpasses the average fuel consumption, the
momentary fuel consumption is displ ...
Key lock-in prevention system
When the ignition switch is in the “LOCK” (PUSH OFF) position, if you close all
the doors and the rear hatch with the keyless operation key left in the vehicle
and you try to lock the doors ...
► Make sure the doors are closed: driving with doors not completely closed
is dangerous.
► Never leave children in the vehicle unattended.
► Be careful not to lock the ...