Possible driving speed (Except for vehicles with Sports mode)Possible driving speed (Except for vehicles with Sports mode)  - Operation of the automatic transmission INVECS-II - Starting and driving - Mitsubishi Carisma Owner's Manual - Mitsubishi Carisma

In order to avoid damaging the engine due to excessively high rpm, do not exceed the possible driving speed when the selector lever is set to the “3” (THIRD) position, the “2” (SECOND) position or the “L” (LOW) position.

Passing acceleration

    See also:

    Modification / alterations to the electric or fuel systems
    MITSUBISHI has always manufactured safe, high quality vehicles. In order to maintain this safety and quality, it is important that any accessory that is to be fitted, or any modifications carried ...

    Fuel consumption

    Plastic, vinyl leather, fabric and flocked parts
    1. Gently wipe off with gauze or other soft cloth soaked with a 3 % aqueous solution of neutral detergent. 2. Dip cloth in fresh water and wring out well. Using this cloth, wipe off the detergent ...