Spare wheel informationSpare wheel information  - How to change a tyre - For emergencies - Mitsubishi Lancer Owner's Manual - Mitsubishi Lancer

Check the air pressure of the spare tyre frequently and make sure it is ready for emergency use at any time.

Maintaining the spare wheel at the highest specified air pressure will ensure that it can always be used under any conditions (city/high-speed driving, varying load weight, etc.).

The spare wheel is stored beneath the luggage floor board of the luggage compartment.

► The pressure should be periodically checked and maintained at the specified Caution

► The pressure should be periodically checked and maintained at the specified pressure while the tyre is stowed.
Driving with an insufficient tyre pressure can lead to an accident. If you have no choice but to drive with an insufficient tyre pressure, keep your speed down and inflate the tyre to the correct pressure as soon as possible. (Refer to “Tyre inflation pressures”.)

Compact spare wheel

The compact spare tyre is designed to save space in the luggage compartment and its lighter weight makes it easier to use if a flat tyre occurs.

► The compact spare wheel is for temporary use only and should be removed Caution

► The compact spare wheel is for temporary use only and should be removed as soon as the original wheel can be repaired or replaced.
► The vehicle must not be driven at speeds in excess of 80 km/h (50 mph) while using the compact spare wheel.
► The compact spare tyre is not as good as a standard tyre in controllability and stability.
When the compact spare tyre is used, avoid quick starts, sudden braking and sharp steering.
► The compact spare wheel is specifically designed for your vehicle and it should not be used on any other vehicle.
► Do not use tyre chains with your compact spare wheel. Because of the smaller tyre size, a tyre chain will not fit properly.
This could cause damage to the wheel and result in loss of the chain.
If a front tyre becomes flat when using tyre chains, first replace a rear wheel with the compact spare wheel and then use the removed rear wheel to replace the flat front wheel so that you can continue to use the chains.


► Upon installation of the compact spare tyre, the ground clearance is reduced Caution

► Upon installation of the compact spare tyre, the ground clearance is reduced as the tyre is smaller in diameter than the standard tyre. When passing over the projections on the road, take care not to damage the vehicle’s undercarriage.
► Do not install more than one compact spare wheel at the same time.

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